Thursday, May 31, 2007

Harry potter....

Well i've got alot of harry potter news today. 1 is that they're making a HP island at universal studios in orlando florida!!! It should be done in early 2010 which is when we're going to disneyworld again!! YAY! Anyways. The other news is that I have been a part of a harry potter based website where you join and talk to other people, role-play, just generally have fun. I have been a member since it started 6 years ago. Today I opened my e-mail to find that I had been expelled. :'( Needless to say if you know me then you know I absolutely love harry potter, and this really broke my heart that I got expelled. I hadn't really made many friends because of my beliefs and how I share them. But the reason they gave me in the e-mail was that I had been put in azkaban(a sort of detention/time-out from the site) 7x(which I can't believe it was that many times) and they were just gonna azzy me again but they decided to expel me. I know I had been put in azzy a few times for posting on abortion or homosexual threads, and stating what I believe, then people would start arguing with me and things would get out of hand and end with me(and I think only me) being put in azzy. Just for saying what I believe! I don't doubt that I was pushy sometimes, but the other people were too! So I contacted them seeing if I could enroll again. They haven't gotten back to me yet. But I should think that being on there for as long as I have been should count for something. I mean, I don't get to talk to/see my real friends that often so I would turn to the site alot. It was sort of addicting once you got into it, and the people had good advice sometimes. It was just nice to be able to talk to people without them knowing you personally and so they would be able to give unbiased opinions on things. But my last post on there before I was expelled was an apology in an abortion thread saying how I was sorry if I said anything to offend anyone, etc. And ironically enough, I think that post was what I got expelled for. Because I called myself a witch(with a b) in it(the site is PG, even though that part where the abortion thread was is a part where only 13 year olds and up can go), and apparently alot of people had been using "foul language" recently so they were really coming down on people who "used language". And I think that was the reason for me being expelled. Actually one of the sad things was that alot of people on the site called themselves christians, but it was pretty obvious from what they were saying that they weren't. Anyways, its probably better this way, they probably had a bad influence on me. I just don't know what i'm gonna do this summer now...I should find a christian HP site or something...


Anonymous said...

well Audge i dont think your really saying sorry if you call your self things like that its not good....and i know your prob right but i have had ppl tell me i am not a christian when i am and i always said thats between me and God! He and only Him knows whats in my heart so i would be careful in what you say. Anyways just get into the world of blogging! its awesome! lol it takes up to much of my time..... I love you and remember that God has a reason for everything! becareful what you say espealy about your self.

Anonymous said...

Well I know I am. My mom has called me one before, so yeah....

Emily said...

hmmm...I don't know what to say exactly. Well, I really don't like Happry Potter, so no comment on that. But as for that site, it sounds like it's not a very good place to be. If I went on a site that had one bad word, I wouldn't go back on it! Stuff like that just bothers me. Plus, it's sin, and Christians must always strive to protect their hearts from being exposed to it.

I agree with should get into the blogging world instead. There's a lot of really good Christians blogs out there. If you go on Katherine's blog (it's linked to mine) she has TONS of Christians blogs linked to hers. Visiting Christian blogs and writing godly things on your own blog is a really cool thing to do because it's both God-glorifying and enjoyable and it helps you grow closer to God even when you're on the computer.

what do you think?
love ya audrey...

Emily said...



Anonymous said...

Yeah, it has sort of drifted away from HP now. Except when a book or movie comes out. But when I joined 6 years ago I was drawn to it because everyone there liked HP, and it was nice to have people to talk to 24/7. And there wasn't too much bad langauge because people were being punished for it, people mostly just say like 'crap' and stuff like that. But people can use abbreviations like "lol" and others things and I know some that are really not nice that have been said to me, and I don't understand why that is allowed but actually typing them isn't. Its just weird because I have been on there for sooo long and now I don't have it anymore....:'(

Anonymous said...

well audge all i will say is work on acting like God would want you to act and you Are GODS! creation and so i would not call yourself things like that because your GOd's and he made you the way you are just work and pray about things iknow sin is hard to over come and it is something we will strugle with all through are lifes. ILOVE YOU! and so does God

Anonymous said...

hey audge sorry i havn't been here in a while! i don't think many christians like HP very much. and you shouldn't call yourself things like that, not only is it not true, but it's cursing, which is wrong.

if you want to talk to someone you can always talk to me! *if i'm on of course* (aim BHSHELP)

Anonymous said...

hey Beth no afence but i dont think it is fair to say that christians dont like HP because i know more that do then dont there is nothing wrong with it and LOTR's is pretty much the same...wisords, witches, evil things lol so yeah but anyways i do agree with Beth that it is wrong to call your self those things and you always Know i am here for you email,call, IM what ever but I will say Beth has been of great encouragement to me so i recomend her too! lol

Emily said...

Yeah, Beth...almost everyone at Heritage loves Harry Potter for some reason. Everybody at my church is against it (and I'm with them), but I won't argue about it. ;) I still love you guys. lol

Anonymous said...

well i mean i dont really like HP but there is nothing wrong with it its just not my thing ya know... but there are ppl agints it at our church witch i dont really get but ya....

Anonymous said...

I think alot of people are against it just because it is based on a school full of students practicing withcraft. But I don't really pay attention to the witchcraft stuff. I'm not gonna become a wiccan or anything just because I love the books. I like them because they're entertaining, and I just like them! lol. But all the "spells" are just the latin words for whatever the spell does. Like "lumos" just means "light", or illuminate.