Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Ok, so I have kind of an unusual prayer request guys. On monday night my puppy pumpkin got out of her pen, and whenever the puppies get out, we just lift them over the gate because its really hard to keep opening the gate because its really messed up and we have to keep it locked, so its easier to just put the puppies over it. So I was putting her over, and its only like a 2-3ft drop maximum and she just started yelping. So I opened the gate as fast as I could and she was holding one of her back legs in the air, she wouldn't use it at all. So I put her in the shed for the night and my mom said we would take her to the humane society in the morning(it was like 7 at night, so nothing was open). We're trying to get rid of her anyway, because I can't really train her and emma at the same time. Espescially because they're both needy. And so we actually ended up taking her to the vet(which is something we almost never do with animals because of the money), and she had an x-ray where they discovered that the growth plate in her knee got dislocated/broken/whatever you wanna call it and the best option is to keep her crated for 2 weeks. Then if its not better after that, she would have to have surgery to pin her growth plate back to her bone and stuff which would be around $7-800. Obviously we don't have that kinda money just laying around to be used on a dog we're not sure we want anyway. So we're keeping her crated and she has some medication for pain and to keep inflamation down. The bad thing about her feeling better is that she'll wanna use her leg, and the more she uses her leg, the worse it'll get. So hopefully she'll be ok. My mom says that that leg will probably be shorter than the rest of them even if it does heal. So I guess just pray that we have wisdom in what treatment(s) to do, and wisdom for the vets. Thanks guys. Oh yeah, and now I have a $100 vet bill to pay. Hurray! not.

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