Monday, April 23, 2007

Here are my babies! The top is of all 7 of my dogs' babies. And the one underneath that is my new puppy Pumpkin juice! Then the last one is of my dog Emma after whelping(its what the birth is called)with her new babies! Thanks for looking.....


Anonymous said...

oh soooooo cute!!!! i want one!!!!! so bad!!!!!! dumb no fence rule............. *cries*

Emily said...

AWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! the puppies are sooo cute!! What breed are they? Maybe I'll get to see them when we visit. ;)

Anonymous said...

Thanks. Well my dog is a red heeler, and we think the dad was a chow. But who knows, I only ever saw him at night when I was yelling at him to leave my poor virgin dog alone. lol. And we're keeping at least 2 so you'll get to see some! :)

Anonymous said...

hey! hope you don't mind if i add you and comment... :D

Anonymous said...

hehe yes i think it is the same kirstin cause she is in Band and has long dirty blond hair. And sorry you cant take Ballet next yeat you might see if there is another beginner ballet class you can take that is not so late i know there are a few

Anonymous said...

Thats so weird. I just can't imagine her dancing for some reason....

Anonymous said...

Well she is REALLLLY GOOD so gracful! youll see!