Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Vote for meeee!!...

Please. lol. Vote for me and I can win money!!! hehe. lol. But seriously. Vote for me here. (Click on the here, lol)

Thursday, June 21, 2007


Soo...Someone has a birthday today...but I can't think of who it is. can anyone help me?...hmm...:)awesome cake---------->

Friday, June 15, 2007

Another picture...

Heres another picture. The other one I posted
doesn't really show my hair. Its awesome huh?

Thursday, June 14, 2007


So. Heres an update. Its thursday. Um, my dog is getting fixed tomorrow. YAY! So I have to give her a bath like right before we leave or else she'll get dirty again, because it rained some today. The dogs and cats also have fleas, grr. The cats need baths anyway. We have the topical flea stuff for the puppies, but not for the cats. We need to get a bunch of flea powder stuff to put in the yard and shed, because they just started attacking me when I went in the shed, it sucked. Literally, lol. Um, lets see. Oh. I have pictures of me! They're not very good though, so don't laugh! They're of me and my new haircut though! YAYNESS! Um, oh yeah. We're trying to get the lyrenes aboveground pool set up. But so far it hasn't worked. We need about 20 people with 8 arms each, or we just need some new ideas. Anyways. I went to six flags on saturday with a bunch of people(see group picture above). It was really fun. A little hot, but we got free cups of water and it rained a little. I also got soaked on the roaring rapids. Thanks jonathan! lol. I'm sitting like that next time too. hehe. I didn't stay soaked for too long though :'( Faith came too, but she left after lunch. I almost blacked out on the titan, but it was cool. lol. I wish the estes could've stayed longer! Y'all should stay for a month next time! :) I had an awesome birthday party too guys. Y'all know me so well *sniff sniff* lol. I am gonna apply for a job at chick-fil-a soon too, hopefully. I dunno how it'll work with my moms work schedule.